Monday, June 11, 2007

Pending DEP losses

I have been here in the 7th realm of hell (aka USAREC) since Jan 05. Some days are good, some are better, then there are some that blow me away.
I enlisted a girl on the 23rd of May. She was excited, I was excited, it was an exciting day. Chaplain's assistant, 2 years. Good job, short term contract, enough to get her feet wet and go on or whatever she wanted. SHE called ME to enlist. I have known her for about 8 months, her fiancee is one of my Future Soldiers.
Then today I get a letter faxed to me from MEPS. Dated the day before the FSP orientation. Quoted word for word from a website I prefer not to list. I just don't understand. I have been nothing but honest and straightforward with her and she goes and sends me a damn letter? She does not even have the courage, the respect, to call me and say "Hey, SGT, I really am having second thoughts here".

1 comment:

Alucard said...

Is it really that rare for recruits to call you (I'm asking, I don't know)? I've dealt with about 4 recruiters already (I wasn't unhappy with each, I've merely been involved with different components), and in each case, I called them. Though, I must admit they were shocked at my call, and my Army recruiter said, "Nowadays, we're happy when someone even wants to talk to us." :)