Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ninja AFK'd~~

OMG so been long time no blog -- NO TIME!!!

Seems like everytime I try to get one I get distracted by tacky.
So I got told that I not only got my ring but OMG I got promoted!!!

I think that we are going ot box this month. Too many fell through - I had a GA ready to rock and then he calls nad says he "forgot" he had another scholarship. How do you forget that? So I told him I understand that he may not be ready right now to be a soldier to step up and that put him on the spot a littloe and he admitted that he was scared. I did the 3 "F"s and still no avail. Ah is ok I guess I wasn't really ocunting on him anyhow. I had my 2 lined up to drop the 1st week of the new RCM next week but have to burn one to cover down on another guy. Tired.